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Thursday, February 13, 2020

A Spiritual Feast

After accepting Jesus as my savior, I craved inspirational preaching. 
Being reminded that the negative thoughts I have are not from God.  Being urged to see myself through God’s eyes. Being inspired to be the best me I can be.
These messages are increasingly important in this day and age when we are inundated with messages that we are not good enough.  
Not attractive enough.
Not smart enough.
Not successful enough.
And yet these messages do what pop culture is doing. 
Focus ourselves on us. 
Our problems. 
Our anxiety.
Our depression.
Our guilt. 
And certainly we need to be reminded that these thoughts are not in alignment with God but the key is reminded. 
They should not be the primary message we are taught about God’s love.
Whether it is buying into the hedonistic messages of our society or inspirational messages, we are focused too much on ourselves. 
As a newcomer to Christianity, I look to Jesus as an example.
He didn’t sit around in huts with others, wringing his hands concerned that others might not like him. 
He did not commiserate with his hosts about not having the nicest sandals in the village. 
He did not worry if he was too fat or too thin or tall enough or short enough. 
He didn’t ponder if he was successful. 
He turned all his energies to others. 
He taught them, fed them, healed them.
Following his example, more than anything else, will save us from ourselves.
When we are focused on our own issues we are less able to help others.
I have an image of a giant banquet table filled with all kinds of nutritious and delicious foods.  We can sit off by ourselves eating out of our own bowl that always has the same thing in it, or we can bring our bowl to the feast.
If we give our food away to others and rely upon God to ensure that we are fed, we will be provided with a variety of healthy foods that we otherwise cannot provide for ourselves. While at the same time, what is for us the boring fare that we eat every day, becomes something sustaining to someone else’s spiritual diet.
Service to others will save us from spiritual malnutrition and boredom.
One of the reasons that we are so focused on ourselves is that the government has taken over the role of service in so many cases.
We know that there are government programs to care for the homeless and hungry so we focus on ourselves. Since we are not helping those in need, we might even start resenting them, as they become dollars stolen from our paycheck rather than charity given with a giving heart.
The government has usurped our role as community.
By doing so, it has left us isolated and self-absorbed, increasingly focused on ourselves, our happiness, our well-being, our joy. 
So much so that inspirational speakers are having to teach us how to love ourselves because we are losing models of God’s love.  
Many of us have forgotten what God’s love feels like or never even known it because we were raised to love ourselves rather than rely on the love of others.
Rabbi Haim way back in the 1800’s taught about long spoons.
Dinners in both heaven and hell are provided with spoons that have such long handles that it is impossible for anyone to feed themselves.  Those in hell are eternally starving because they can not navigate food from the bowl into their mouths.  Those in heaven are well nourished and joy filled because others feed them and they feed others.
It might be that our spoon handles have grown too long, or that we are trying to eat from our own bowls, or both. 
We need renewed hope that there is something better for us. We need to bring our bowls to the community table, have faith that as we contribute our food to the table, others will do the same. We need to feel God’s love as we serve others and are served by others.
Though self-help guru’s of all stripes often have the best of intentions, they are promoting the very self-absorption that promotes spiritual starvation.
We need to a spiritual feast.

Monday, December 30, 2019

Sex with Satan: We Need the Full Armor of God Against the Schemes of the...

As a child I was taught that witchcraft and paganism were good and that Christianity was bad. As I look back on one of the books I read as a child, I am overwhelmed with grief when I realize that the memory I had of the book was accurate.

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

God's Gift Of Christ

It is easy to get caught up in the materialism of Christmas but there is no gift greater than God's Gift of Christ. I am deeply humbled this morning as I give God thanks!

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

When God Asks Me To Cut My Hair!

A few days ago I felt like God was urging me to cut my hair. Unlike in the past, instead of dismissing this feeling or rationalizing why I could ignore it, I responded. As I watched my hair fall to the floor I felt like I was cutting away everything that was beautiful about me.

Friday, December 13, 2019

Jesus Advocated for Women!

As a former separatist feminist (many years ago), I used to blame Christianity for the ills of society assuming that Christianity lead to the oppression of women. Boy was I shocked when I started reading the New Testament and learning how Jesus reached out to even the most marginalized women. During a time when women were often considered property, Jesus' advocated for women. It isn't surprising that women played a pivotal role in spreading the Good News!

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Committing to Spiritual Health

Some of us grew up in Christian homes and have known the love of God their whole lives. Some of us are just finding God.
Those who have lived as Christians may sometimes wonder if their lifelong commitment to God is "paying off."
Based on my experience as a newcomer, it reminds me of someone who has cared for their physical health their whole live versus someone who finally makes a commitment to take care of themselves.
The person who has always been spiritually healthy may not recognize the benefits. They might think, "why did I waste all that energy exercising," "why did I avoid desserts and junk food."
They many not realize that they would have gotten cancer ten years earlier if they hadn't taken care of themselves.
They also don't realize how crappy they would have felt if they had been feeding themselves on junk rather than nutritious food.
As someone who hasn't taken care of her spiritual health until recently, I can assure you that the spiritual junk food diet is not fun. You haven't missed out on anything!
As I desperately tried to feed my spirit without God, I never felt nourished. I never felt healthy, in fact, I came close to dying.
With God's love, I am now on a healthy spiritual diet.
Like the junk food junky who changes her diet after a medical emergency caused by her unhealthy habits, I have to work diligently to stay on my new spiritual diet. I have to remember how close to death I came, how sick my soul was.

Friday, December 6, 2019

Christmas as a Christian

This will be the first Christmas I celebrate as a Christian. I am excited to share in the celebration of Christ's birth and encourage others to rejoice in God's love rather than be stressed out by the demands of a secular holiday. Santa only gives gifts to "good little girls and boys" but Christ gives the same gift to everyone!

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

We Are Brothers and Sisters

For a long time I have disliked people. Avoided them. Become increasingly isolated and introverted. I realize some of this comes from fear of being hurt. Some also comes from my lack of ability to love myself, accept God's love, and see others as children of God. As I have started to see everyone as a brother or sister, my heart has softened and I am more able to be loving without judgement.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Therapeutic Benefits of Prayer

As I have started praying more often, I am realizing that prayer promotes positive thinking and action. It allows us to focus on being thankful for what we have as well as on the needs of others. It is also a great way to stop negative self-talk

Monday, November 18, 2019

Sacrifices Bring Us Closer To God

I think that a lot of people get hung up on the idea that they have to make sacrifices and endure suffering in order to follow God's guidance. When we realize that we are engaging in behaviors that prevent us from being close to God changing can be painful but in the long run, it is well worth it. As someone recently told me, God only ask us to change in ways that will result in us being better off in the long term. Sometimes this involves sacrifice and suffering as we let go and change, but in the long run, the love of God will more than make up for our lose.